Thursday 13 May 2010

my creative space

Here's a little peak into what I've been up to this week.
Some yarn arrived yesterday so I could carry on with Little Missy's blanket, I got stuck in last night whilst watching the last 'Edible Gardener' and mentally planning the next stages of our allotment.

I have to say the blanket is coming on nicely, it's going to be various shades of pink and red and the only plan is stripes, I do like simple.
The tale behind Missy Bigs blanket is here, this is an ongoing project - and at my rate they will be several years in the making.

Play along and add your creative space at Kirsty's.

Carrying on from my 'cutting the garden' moment I picked this cowslip ( I have much to learn - it's actually cow parsley!) at the allotment this week and thought it quite splendid in it's simplicity.

The house feels very different when full of flowers, I love it. So I think I'll carry on this idea and look at things differently in the garden - I shall be taking my snips to everything with a bit of scent and beauty and bringing it indoors to be truly admired.

happy creating x


  1. Oh the blanket is looking terrific! The colours are great! Can't wait to see it growing!

  2. I agree - a house with fresh flowers feels alive, fresh and loved. The blanket is looking great - such a fantastic colour range!

  3. Pink and red together is so scrummy!

  4. I really like pink and red together too- the blanket is looking very pretty.

    As far as I know cowslips are yellow- that looks like giant hogweed you have there. I wish I had an allotment- I'm very jealous! x

  5. Thank you MotherOfPurl, I've always known this as cowslip (see just how much I have to learn?!) - but a little googling has shown me it's actually cow parsley - another weed, but one I like! And have an enormous supply of! x


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