Thursday, 28 June 2012

circles and squares

I am juggling way too many projects at the moment, and geting nowhere fast on most of them. I need to learn to say no. To myself. My mind races on faster than I can keep up.

So yes, I'm still hand quilting this quilt. I'm still enjoying it, but will be very pleased when it's finished. I'm nearly there. 

Quilting by hand doesn't actually take as long as you'd think - if I'd just get on and DO.

Want to see some more of my fabric printing adventure? Good.

These were both printed with the empty cotton reel again, and an old washing ball for the larger circles.

An old wine cork, I like this effect, I like the white peeping through where the ink didn't take. A block of foam, I liked it's  simplicity and this led onto the squares I did.

The finished fabrics, on their way to their new homes, on time!

Linking in with our creative spaces 


  1. so impressed with those fabrics!

  2. Wow - love those blue squares and those orange with orange egg shapes! And wow to your handquilting!!!

  3. I am seriously loving your fabrics - especially the yellow circles and the orange/red egg shapes. Beautiful. I am inspired to try it out myself.

    Your quilt is coming along nicely. I have never trying hand quilting but after my stressful first quilt attempt I may try again with a single quilt for Bella. Know what you mean about saying no to yourself. I have started too much and feel like I have nothing to show for my efforts! Have a great weekend. x

  4. Love the quilting and you are rocking the screen printing x

  5. The cork really gives a great effect! I love them all!

  6. These are wonderful! I love the foam blocks especially :) Kx

  7. Hello - I have nominated you for a Sunshine Award. Details on my blog. Please don't feel you have to take part, tagging is not for everyone, but it's just to say I really like your blog! Gillian x

  8. Your hand printed fabrics are gorgeous! (Just discovered your blog via Tales from a Happy House.)

  9. wow Colettes,it seems you have yourself a cottage printing industry here :)So so lovely x

  10. 'Just Say No' , the campaign for all creative addicts :o)
    That quilting looks fabulous, especially the use of different coloured threads on the squares. Love it!

  11. Wow Colette, absolutely adoring the empty cotton reel circles - they look brilliant!


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