I'm quite sure you all know the slightly barking, but wonderful book The Tiger Who Came To Tea by Judith Kerr. It's a favourite with lots of little ones.
And of course her other books, the Mog stories. If you're a fan you should get yourself to The Museum of Childhood quick smart. There is an exhibition of the original illustrations for the books, and a giant hungry tiger waiting to be fed in Sophie's kitchen. It finishes next weekend - so hurry!
It's one of those places that has been on my 'visit this' list for ages, the museum is fantastic fun, with lots of activities on throughout the day for little ones and a trip down memory lane for us oldies as you weave through all the displays of toys from yesteryear.
It was quite a magical day, it was a sharp reminder just how quickly childhood goes by, and how children really always come back to the simplest toys, anything is fun with a dose of imagination.
These wise words on a blind sum it all up perfectly.
"There is little that gives children greater pleasure than when a grown-up lets himself down to their level... and plays with them as an equal" Sigmund Freud.
Enjoy the rest of the holidays, playing. I intend to. x