Wednesday 9 May 2018

print and stitch part 2

I've continued to work on the project I started last January, printing and hand stitching linen squares. Each square is a new canvas and I approach it with no vision in mind. I'm led by my mood to choose a colour and pattern and I'm enjoying the freedom of play with this, I don't need to consider repeats and I let the design evolve naturally. Once the ink is dry and heat set I can begin the hand stitching, most of them are fairy simple, the patterns are quite bold and an uncomplicated stitch brings the piece some harmony.

My intention was to make a quilt with them all, I think this will still be the case, I just need to work out how to make it a little calmer. There's a lot going on here.

Perhaps sashing with some coloured linen would help, I feel the squares need some space to breathe.

The lighter colours look great in real life, though they're very tricky to capture in a photo.

I may make a couple of quilts, I'm not sure I could handle all these colours and patterns in one piece.

I will continue to make up squares as I'm really enjoying the process and starting something without a plan has been very liberating. Even though it is creating a challenge to make something cohesive with such a varied selection of squares, I hope to be able to pull them together to create something pretty special in time. 
If you're on instagram, you can follow the progress of this project with the hashtag #cmprintandstitch

Wednesday 21 February 2018


It's true that I have a love / hate relationship with sketchbooks. I love to draw and sketch in them but often don't find the time, yet doodle on envelopes endlessly instead. 
Last year I began a 100 day challenge to fill a page in my sketchbook each day. I didn't even make it half way. You can see the results here.

I tend to have on / off phases with sketchbooks, which is crazy, it should be part of my daily practice.
So I have started to do just that, I'm making sure I spend just 15 minutes a day making patterns, drawing and experimenting.

I'm currently using black ink only, to limit my 'faffing' and trying to create the perfect image with the perfect colour combinations. I waste a lot of time overthinking work in a sketchbook, which is entirely what a sketchbook shouldn't be. It should be free, experimental, a visual diary, inspiring.

Looking at what I've created so far I have a long way to go at loosening up and experimenting. I think I need to play with different inks, collage, scale...  so much to try out.

I'll post updates on instagram as well as on here. I'm looking forward to this!