These little chaps are looking for a new home, in just a month these have grown from seed and soon enough we'll be eating home grown peas - I can hardly wait!
These will be moved to the allotment in the next day or two where they can spread themselves out. I love their spindly tendrils which just reach out and hug whatever they can.

These will be moved to the allotment in the next day or two where they can spread themselves out. I love their spindly tendrils which just reach out and hug whatever they can.

I remember as a child we grew a few peas and my Mum sent me and my brother to pick some for our tea, we picked plenty and ate most of them straight from the pod sitting amongst the plants. We didn't get many on our plate that evening but I still remember their delicious sweet taste.
My 4 year old loves that story and although she doesn't like peas I'm hoping she'll at least try a few straight from the pod.
My 4 year old loves that story and although she doesn't like peas I'm hoping she'll at least try a few straight from the pod.
We've been busy digging and digging on our new allotment and I'm thrilled that we have finally done some planting. Say hello to our blackcurrents and rhubarb, who seem to be happy in their new homes, we've also got some red gooseberries in.
We need to get some netting over these before the birds start to help themselves.
Looking forward to rhubarb crumble and custard - yum.
I'm really enjoying this new project, although it's physically hard work at this stage I'm also finding it very relaxing and surprisingly creative. I love being out in the fresh air and watching something grow from a tiny seed is incredible, many of the seeds we've sown I've never actually seen as a plant so it's very exciting to see what happens.
I have been watching The Edible Garden on BBC2 and am thoroughly inspired.
What are you growing? I'd love to hear from you.
Any advice or tips are very welcome as I'm a complete novice!
happy digging x

I'm really enjoying this new project, although it's physically hard work at this stage I'm also finding it very relaxing and surprisingly creative. I love being out in the fresh air and watching something grow from a tiny seed is incredible, many of the seeds we've sown I've never actually seen as a plant so it's very exciting to see what happens.
I have been watching The Edible Garden on BBC2 and am thoroughly inspired.
What are you growing? I'd love to hear from you.
Any advice or tips are very welcome as I'm a complete novice!
happy digging x