Thursday 5 May 2011

my creative space

Finishing off Little Missy's skirt, so now they both have one, and they twirl enough. Funny how that's always their first concern.

Very happy that one of the endless 'practice' crochet flowers was the perfect colour for the pocket.

Wishing I'd made these pockets a little smaller - they are a bit overpowering.

Loving that they love to wear them.

And there's a whole lot of planing, mostly in my head. It the Kids Clothes Week Challenge next week, which is just the kick up the pants I need as Missy Big has grown out of just about evertything and is in desperate need of some everyday dresses. 
She chose some fabric last summer, so it's about time I made something. If only I could find the patterns I made last year - where, oh where are they? 

Signing up for more swaps too - I just love brooches and wear them all the time - so this swap at Flowerpress sounds perfect. 

What are you up to? 
More creative people over at Kootoyoo.


  1. The skirts look very sweet, and you can tell without seeing their faces that the girls are thrilled with them! Good luck with the Kids clothes Week Challenge next week - I'm going to see what the week throws at me and may join in if I can!

  2. Good luck with trying to find the fabric! Sure if you find it the results will be fantastic!

  3. Oh what happy little girly skirts! Just the thing for dancing in the garden!

  4. they look so sweet on the girls, i've really got to get organised for the KCWC! cut one pattern out, but had hoped to have got more organised!

  5. What gorgeous colourful twirly skirts..I have a little person here who would LOVE them :)Spring seems to make everything grow...I have the same problem with my girls having outgrown their clothes! OOh I'm off to check out the brooch I need another project :)x

  6. Love the skirts and actually, I think the pockets are great that size! Beth :)

  7. they are GORGEOUS! i hope i can sew a skirt really just a beginner sewer,teaching my self .
    im in the brooch swap to .:)


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