Tuesday 11 January 2011

7 things and Day 5

Get comfy, this is a long one. I am very honoured and surprised to have received a 'Stylish Blogger Award' from Jenny at Love and Peas* I'm now required to share with you 7 things about me. Hmmm. Then I get to pass this award onto 7 'newly discovered' blogs. That's a tough one.

So 7 things....

1. I love roses, their sweet scent, gorgeous colours and delicate petals, heavenly and recently I've discovered they taste great too, Mr made a rose petal jam last summer, it didn't set but it is the most delicious syrup, drizzled on pancakes...mmmm *oops - drooling here*

2. I hate waste. Waste of time, emotion, energy and stuff. I hate that as society we buy so much and so quickly it's all disposed of, by landfill and recycling. I try to buy with all this in mind but sometimes it's impossible to get what you want without loads of unnecessary packaging, this infuriates me. Vegetables wrapped in plastic - why???

3. Some foods I like but I can't eat with other foods. Jelly and ice-cream, together - eugh! Peanut butter and jam, NOOO! Egg (except fried egg) and tomato ketchup - makes my stomach turn. I can't even look at at.

4. Small animals invite themselves into my home, but only while Mr is out. Mice, birds (these both gifts from the cats we used to have), a squirrel, a frog, and a fox. I'm not good with animals I'm not expecting. I usually need a little dutch courage to deal with these. Or in the case of the squirrel £100 and a very nice man.

5. I love the colour red (but not a tomato shade - a raspberry shade is best)

6. I've never cooked meat and don't know how to. I've been vegetarian for 20 odd years.(yikes am I that old?)

7. I would sew all day long if I could and I dream of having a cleaner, and more space.

So 5 newly discovered people to pass this on to (I know it should be 7, I haven't found many new blogs lately, too busy reading old ones!) -

Joyce Lives Here
The Linen Cat
Natalia Lovat
Chez Chouke

Are you still awake? Well done, nearly there!

Now we're off to Harrow on the Hill. This little patch of Harrow is terribly English, a little bit stuffy and steeped in history. Home to Harrow School, many influential people have walked these streets, Winston Churchill, Lord Byron and more recently James Blunt and Benedict Cumberbatch (wasn't he great as the new Sherlock recently?) 

It's also full of quaint winding streets and lovely architectural details. Up here you'll also find my favourite cafe, The Dolls House on the Hill, vintage crockery, accommodating dolls as waitresses and the best cakes (and lunches), we go here for treats and my girls love it (fab ice cream too).

It's another grey day so the skies are a bit gloomy - apologies.

I'll make you a cuppa if you've made it this far, you deserve it. Slice of cake too? Coming up.


  1. Wow, thanks for the Blog Award, I'm so thrilled about it! Good luck with your blog, and I wish you also a lot of smiles today!

  2. Phew!
    I too long for a cleaner and space. I suspect it is something all normal women secretly wish for.

  3. Love looking at the 10x10x10 gives great insight into other peoples worlds.

    Congrats on the award...

  4. Hullo Colette, oh *blush* thank you for the award. I can't think of anything to put right now, but perhaps tomorrow I will have something to chat about. lol, I love a chatty blog and yours is becoming a firm fave. Yes, cleaner here too please and someone to push my grocery trolley and load it all into the car. I don't mind chatting to the lady on checkout tho as I have gotten to know them over the 10 years we have lived here and it's nice to be served by a person you sort of know.
    I just LOVE your photos today. My fave would have to be the Doll's House On The Hill. gosh I would love to meet you for tea here. It looks like its from a movie. I so love these buildings.
    Righto! enough chatter from me, i am taking over your comment spaces.
    Thanks so much for the award again, and i look forward to your day 6.

  5. Ahhhhhh Clottie!!! What a lovely suprise, you've made my day. Lovely blog! I'm pretty new to all this blogging lark! And thank you for the stylish blogger award! I now need to rise to the challange and find 7 new blogs, I am sure I can manage that, i'm reading lots of blogs at the moment.
    Keep in touch, lovely to see all the creative things you have been doing since 'the place that shall not be named'
    Natalia xx

  6. Hi Colette, Huge thanks for the award, I LOVE your blog and the cleaner comment made me lol along with the 'small animals' bit (my cat also brings in 'gifts'). I look forward to reading your future posts, thanks again. Beth :)


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