Wednesday 19 January 2011

10.10.10 day 10, phew...

I've done it - 10 days taking 10 picutres in 10 minutes with (almost) no editing. 

Big girl off school again so another day at home. Which is where I spend most of my time, where I can be me, where I can relax, where I can let go, where I am loved.

So todays photo's are all about my girls. The things they make, play with and leave scattered all over the house. They are my world, they make me tick and my life revolves around them completely. I love it.

I love the line of little Happyland people and their friends. They were all queuing up waiting to try out the Happyland house before they bought it. (Where do they get such notions from).

Hooray for reward charts - one little sticker will make the little one 'just try', thankfully - I spend way too much time in the bathroom testing my persuasion skills. 

Isn't that dolls house amazing, my soon-to-be-sister-in-law gave it to the girls, her parents made it for her when she was small. We love it, but should they ever have nippers of there own I will (sadly) hand it back. 

And these? Take one, a little thank you for sticking with me through this. 
I know it's been a virtual tour around my house, (so many grey skies and rainy days) but notice they are all close ups? So you don't have to look at the mess that I'm trying to avoid dealing with. But believe me, it's there. My Mum once commented that she didn't recognise the house in my blog, and asked if I cleared that surface just to take the photo? Answer - yes, and then I put all the junk back. No need to look at it all on the screen as well as in real life.

I have enjoyed this project, it has seemed like a long time to me and I'm itching to do something creative with my hands, I am getting googly eyes with all the computer stuff I've done lately. But I'm glad I have 'looked' a bit more, and I have focused and I now know what I plan to do to move my creative work along again, it's been inspiring and a bit exhausting.

So I'm off to tackle the ironing, and give my eyes a break. x


  1. Wonderful! I have just been catching up on your 10s. They are all so fantastic and good for you for sticking to it! I have been bad as the rain just wont quit and I'm so far behind in everything else (excuses, excuses).
    Your photos are all so creative, well done you!!!!

  2. Hullo Colette, oh gosh, dare I say, I believe we could possibly be kindred spirits. The reasons why, I shall state as follows. Your comment about home. *sigh* thats me. The comment about your girls are your world, they make you tick. again - Me except I have boys. Reward charts and stickers - yay! Life could not proceed any other way in our house. *ahem* clearing the surface - guilty here too. I love doing closeups of just part of the item, because then nothing else can be seen around it. The other thing I absolutely love is a white thrifted table cloth that I use all the time to cover up stuff or be a backdrop for the item I am taking the photo of. Lastly the end of the project, although been lots of fun, I am not suffering withdrawals like I thought I would, however did feel guilty setting up my items for clicking today. I would love to do this again later in the year, just as a milestone project. Oh and yes, thank you I would love a cupcake. Yummy! It was wonderful to meet you through 10 x 10 x 10 and I hope to get to know you and see your future creative-ness.

  3. What a fascinating idea - I seem to have found you on the last day though!! Love your blog! x

  4. Hi, Just found your blog, I think your Ten days in pictures was brill. Loved the one of the bright red post box, got to say your front door is pretty nice too.. Em x


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