Saturday, 28 July 2012

a snippet

July seems to be a bonkers month, lots going on, too much to try and catch up on. 

So here's a little snippet.

The end of the school year always turns me into a snivelling wreck, where did the year go? Look how much the girls have achieved / grown / matured / done ... blah blah...

This also coincides with Missy Big's birthday, her 7th, which we celebrated with an Olympic themed party, which was oodles of fun. Just a few days later the torch came through Harrow on the Hill, what an incredible experience.

So now on with the holidays, hooray! 


  1. But it was only last week we were ladies who lunched, not half a term ago.
    Happy Birthday to the bum pincher!

  2. I'm just the same at the end of the school year - practically weeping in the playground!

  3. Lots of good things to celebrate there! I love the Olympic themed party and those little bags look interesting!

    I had to bite back tears on Bella's last day of term - I can't believe how fast this year has gone! She is very excited about starting year 1 though. x


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