Thursday 7 June 2012

thank you ma'am

for 60 wonderful years 

Now I'm not really a huge royalist, but there has been something quite special about the Jubilee celebrations this year. People have come together and cheered and celebrated and really felt part of something quite magnificent.

I won't waffle on, but I've loved this Jubilee, and I don't want  this mood to end.  

We had a last minute party with just a few close friends. Which included 5 giggling girls making crowns.

A little too much cake...

and lots of happy memories.

Hope yours was as good. x


  1. What a gorgeous looking celebration, glad you had a lovely weekend xx

  2. Yum - what a cake... looks like it was a pretty cool party!!!

  3. That cake is fabulous! Did you make it? I love the crowns. I did think that the kids gave me an excuse to go overboard with kitsch tat for the Jubilee, and I loved every second of it! x

  4. That cake and those crowns are awesome!! glad you had a fantsstic jubilee weekend, I am sad its over too. Back to work and all that. Here's hoping for some sun next weekend, at least!

  5. Ohh that cake looks delicious!!! We've just had a long weekend in Australia to celebrate the Queen's Birthday so 3 cheers for HRH!!


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