Tuesday 24 April 2012

KCWC day 2

First dress is finished and I'm very pleased with it overall, I think there may be a few versions of this over the summer. (I don't think the fabric looks too bad either, now that it's made up!)

But most importantly Missy Big likes it - and it goes very well with her favourite leggings - yay!

With that finished this morning, I then set about doing a pattern for a cross over back apron style top for the little one. I'm ready to go in the morning!

Lots of fantastic makes in the Elsie Marley flickr pool already - you'll be inspired!


  1. It's amazing! I would love to have a got at making something for my five year old daughter and what you've made looks beautiful and achievable. But it's hello kitty only in this house...maybe I should let her choose the fabric.

  2. wow you are super speedy this year!

  3. Gorgeous dress and model x

  4. How did your crossover back apron go? Did you post anything on it? I am looking to make something like this for an adult. I like the thick swag style that it looks like you are planning in the photo above...


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