Sunday, 22 January 2012

China Town

Missy Big is learning all about Chinese New Year at school and is so excited by it all, yesterday we went to China Town to see the decorations, look around the shops and enjoy some delicious food ahead of the tomorrows celebrations.

We had a great (but exhausting) day, it was packed and there was loads to take in.

She had also made paper dragons at school and delighted and showing her sister how to make one too. I love her enthusiasm, it seems to be rubbing of on all of us. 

It's great to see the world through fresh eyes.


  1. Looks like you had a fab day! Love the paper dragons :)

  2. Amazing colourful pictures, the dragon cake is fantastic! I love the girl's dragon puppets, its so uplifting when they get enthusiastic over something.

  3. Those shop windows look amazing - and the person who iced the dragon cake must have an incredibly steady hand! Have fun with any further celebrating you're doing!


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