Monday 7 March 2011

World Book Night

I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of World Book Night this yearOn Saturday night 1 million books began a new journey with a new owner. 20,000 'givers' each gave away 48 copies of the book they chose. I chose Alan Bennett's A Life Like Other People's. When I signed up I hadn't realised that every copy would be given a code number, you can register the book and then track it's journey on the website as you pass it on to another person and share the experience. This is so amazing. One of the people I gave a book to said she will post it on to her sister in New York, Maria at Me and Ma who won one on my giveaway is passing her copy on through her blog. The journeys  these books will go on is fascinating.
Were you a part of it, were you a book giver? Did you receive one, are you inspired to read again?    


When I signed up for this I said that I would be giving away books to other parents, who like me used to read before having children and haven't really found the time to do so again. I have handed them out in the school playground, at toddler group and the Children's Centre. I have just five copies left to pass on, everyone has been so enthusiastic about it and I look forward to hearing what they thought of the book as the weeks go on.

I watched some of the coverage on TV on Saturday night and was so inspired to read, read, read. I used to read books recommended by friends and work colleagues, there doesn't seem to be time to chat about books though any more. 

So I started to think about you lovelies out there, we read each others blogs, have similar interests maybe we would like similar books. What books do you like, crime fiction, the classics, cookery, gardening, crafty, travel, history, knitting books? I'm thinking of starting a book review linky thing. Would you join in - write a post on your blog and link it back here so others can read it? Leave a comment and let me know. 

I'm so inspired right now, I guess this event really got me hooked at least.


  1. Wasn't it fun? Went to trafalgar square and loved every moment of the two and a half hours standing in the freezing cold! Have a little some thing for you as I felt so bad you couldn't come. Expect a little something (not a book as I was giving the same one as you!) soon.
    I would be up for a linky thing. About to write the 3 rd of my book club for one series about wbn, so it would be great. Gave out my books this morning at school and it was such fun!

  2. Count me in Colette it sounds like fun x

  3. Oh reading, I do miss it so! I did manage a crochet pattern read through the other day. Does that count?

  4. fellow giver!! i love your plan to give them out in the playground. Just fabulous. I hope so much that they do it again

  5. I love reading! I read a few pages every night in bed, sometimes more if I can stay awake! I read 93 books last year, I decided in January that I'd keep a list of all the books I read for a year. Loking back over it is interesting - some of them I can't remember at all and one or two I want to read again already as I enjoyed them so much.


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