Wednesday 2 February 2011


I started out the year with a plan to be a little more adventurous with my cooking. I like to eat good food, and I love to bake. But cooking isn't my favourite thing in the world. I think it's maybe because I don't have a sense of adventure in the kitchen. I can cook, but I need a recipe to follow, I just can't imagine how things will taste together. Also Mr is much better at cooking than me and I think I just got a little lazy. So with all this in mind I have tried out lots of new recipes and they are mostly going down well with the family. Only one 'Eugh I'm NOT eating that' and that was on appearance only - tasted yummy.

This of course means that I have barely been out of the kitchen, but it's not all bad. The girls have both jumped on board too, we've cooked a lot together and Missy Big is putting in requests almost daily for something new. I was thrilled that today she wanted scones, and the little one and I got busy. 

We made face pizzas over the weekend, complete with a necklace each.

 I finally got my marmalade done, my first ever, I used Nigel Slater's recipe, so easy and it is gorgeous - just the perfect wake-up in the morning, and the deep jewel like colour is wonderful.

The big one has requested Chinese to celebrate Chinese New Year, lets hope I can pull it off.
As a reward to myself for keeping up with my challenge - some beautiful red tulips.

Pop over to Flaming Nora's to enter her lovely reel love token give away - they are just the perfect way to send a love message. Hoping you don't enter of course - I have my eye on them!


  1. Wow...I'm suitably are quite the whizz in the kitchen! I'm very much comfortably perched on the lazy bench for cooking, as a result of my love being a happy chef...I figure why spoil a good thing :)Good luck with the chinese banquet :)oh and thankyou for the reel love link...such a sweet blog!

  2. What is it about these men being better cooks than us? My Hippy is an amazing cook. Apparently I wasn't too bad my self years ago. But he just couldn't cope with the randomness of my kitchen approach. Baked potatos with humous just didn't cut it with him. Can't think why. However after 14 years of gourmet cooking I am 3 dress sizes bigger and still expanding. Good luck with the Chinese. Apparently its easy! Ha ha ha

  3. arrrgh, my internet keeps dropping out. lol. ok lets try again. Hullo Colette, oh gosh, I am the same in the kitchen. I have all my recipes in folders and everytime I make something, out they come, yep, pretty much for every dinner meal. I used to be able to memorise recipes, however that was before children. Now I figure I have so much more to remember and think of, that it's just easy to flick through and find the recipe, which ensures I leave nothing out. lol. I love your self-gifted tulips too. Yum your jam, what an awesome colour, so rich, oh I bet its delish. Have a wonderful day, and thanks for sharing.


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