Wednesday 8 December 2010

what do boys want???

Teenage boys, not easy to buy for, even more tricky to stitch a handmade present for, that has to be light to post to New Zealand, hhmmm... I do like a challenge.

Then I got thinking, they love Top Gear (snore) and I know they eat.... 


I hope this makes them smile at breakfast...

it made me giddy with excitement - I hate it when I have an idea just before bed, keeps me awake with all the other possibilities, which led to this...


...and then these.... 

someone stop me! They are heading to my sadly neglected little shop, I have such great plans... 

Life sometimes gets in the way (happily) x


  1. genius! Sooo cute.. love the lips! Lou xx

  2. How funny, well done I struggle with what to get teenage boys too. Love the moustache.

  3. heehee!! You are a genius!! Love the stig (sp?!) egg HAVE to make more to sell in your etsy shop!!!
    And yes! I'm totally with you on the annoyance of hatching an idea just when your are drifting off then not being able to you then find that the idea seems not quite as exciting in the cold light of day?? EVEN more annoying :)

  4. oh fabulous. I hope you made the last 2 kiss in a dramatic, Jane Austen kind of way! I love the stig too. hope the teenagers like it. x Jacs x


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