Friday 20 August 2010

happy food

Finally we have a few ripe tomatoes - I think these were worth waiting for.....

When we picked these elderberries at the allotment I knew exactly what I was going to do with them, Elderberry Syrup Cordial - I read this post on Moment To Moment a while ago and thought this may be a perfect way keep colds and flu away this winter, a spoonful a day works wonders apparently.

I followed this recipe (but with lemon instead of cloves) as I didn't have enough honey at home to follow the original method I came across. It is delicious, I may have to take a ladder or grow wings to get to the rest of the elderberries as there are so many left and I know this syrup / cordial will soon disappear.

Aren't these sweet peas gorgeous - I finally have a few growing on each plant so they are now brightening my dining table and scenting the house beautifully. I have to say everyone told me they produced loads of flowers - not mine, I've barely had a handful - but they are very pretty.

If you haven't had a look at the Moment To Moment blog you really should, especially if you have children and like to do crafting with them - it's very inspiring.

Happy weekend x


  1. Happy toms!!!!!
    Remember in Sesame Street and The Muppets when food would suddenly start singing? Those toms made me think of that, ickle mouths and eyes.
    Your sweet peas are lovely!

  2. I just love playing with my food! I am hoping to get some elderberries from our bush soon, am off to check out the blog you mentioned and get that recipe!

  3. Those tomatoes made me laugh out loud! Just the tonic after a wet, cold dreary day!

    Much love to you
    Julia x x x


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